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How Frequently Should I Change My Toothbrush


Oral hygiene is a must for your physical and mental well being. Brushing is the oral ritual you follow twice a day, but you always forget to replace your toothbrush regularly. It leads you to compromise in your oral hygiene. Our goal is to abide by the quote “Prevention is better than cure”. As per dental regulatory guidelines, one should replace their toothbrush at least once in three months. Replacing your toothbrush is same as changing clothes, both depends on your well being. Ask yourself this important question “When did you buy yourself a new toothbrush“ because oral hygiene plays a great role in communication. A good smile deserves a small effort, so always remember to replace your toothbrush regularly.

What happens when you forget to replace your toothbrush once in three months???

  1. The most common and basic problem that arises when you have not replaced your toothbrush is bad breath.
  2. It also causes severe enamel damage and increase in bacterial growth.
  3. Studies claim that it may also cause severe gum infections such as Periodontitis.

How to find out that your toothbrush needs to be replaced???

  1. Indication 1 – When the bristles in the toothbrush started to fray, it looked different from the original shape.
  2. Indication 2 – Bad breathe is the alarm to replace your toothbrush.

Why do we need to concentrate on improving our oral hygiene???

  1. Communication is the currency to interact with the new world, a charming smile is the gateway to it, which comes from good oral hygiene practices.
  2. Relationships are the key to our happiness, all relationships will face their own share of battles, a quick fix to any situation is to have a great smile which comes from good oral hygiene.
  3. Disease is the so called not to be heard word in many households, bad oral practise can lead to many associating conditions such as increase in blood sugar, increased bacterial infection which eventually causes heart diseases.
  4. One can bear any pain except the pain caused by the oral sores and ulcers, which is the most common effect one can experience by not having a proper oral ritual.

How to choose the right toothbrush for you???

  1. There are different types of tooth brush bristles and handles, one can choose according their needs. Always choose toothbrush with soft bristles, it removes the plaque without damaging the gums and enamel.
  2. According to American Dental Association there are few tooth brush handles which fit all ages and provide maximum grip to hold the brush at 45º angle. So always choose your tooth brush which has American Dental Association seal to it.

So for a brighter and healthier future one should always look out for ways to guard their hygiene, like all hygiene, oral hygiene plays a vital role in our lives. We should constantly keep a check on our tooth brush and try to change them once in three to four months, this fits to all tooth brush including the electronic brush. In electronic brush one should take initiative to change the head once in three months. So these are the ways one can protect their oral hygiene and move ahead carrying their dreams with a beautiful smile.




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